The Judiciary on Monday launched Children Service week in Eldoret town in a move aimed at resolving cases involving children.

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Speaking during the launch of the exercise at the Eldoret Law courts, Presiding Judge at the Eldoret High Court Helen Amolo Omondi said currently there are over 2,900 children's cases pending in Eldoret.

“As I am talking, there are 2,990 pending cases of children in Eldoret and have stayed for long without being determined,” said Justice Omondi.

“Of all the cases, 85 per cent involve defilement while the rest involve children in conflict with the law,” she added.

Justice Omondi, however, said there are many factors that contribute to delays in solving the cases among them busy schedule of doctors involved as well as long distance witnesses have to travel to attend the court cases.

She, however, advised parents on the need to preserve the evidence especially in cases relating to defilement. 

“In case you find out that your child has been defiled, you should not wash her since you will be tampering with the evidence,” she advised.

Eldoret Court Chief Magistrate Charles Obulutsa on his part warned parents against settling defilement cases.

Obulutsa noted that those involved in those illegal acts should be reported and charged as per the law.
