Ginger is an aromatic root that is used for cooking and used for health benefits. It can be used in many ways because it is multipurpose. It is advisable for ladies to drink at least one cup of ginger when on their periods. Below is how ginger is so important while on your days.
Relieves menstrual cramps
If you suffer from menstrual cramps, stop going for medical assistance and treat them at home using ginger. You can make ginger tea and drink it while on your periods. You can also use it with warm water and drink it. Better still you can eat it raw by chewing it. After two months, you will never experience any cramps.
Eases stomach upsets
There are those ladies who experience stomach upsets when on their periods. You can never eat or drink anything because you fear to have an upset in your stomach. Boil some water with ginger and drink it while warm and all shall be well with you. Thank me later after the second month.
Regular periods
Irregular periods can be so annoying because you can not know when they are coming. If you have this kind of periods, you need to consume a lot of ginger not only when on your periods, but also on the normal days.