Truly speaking, there are times men feel intimidated towards smart women and may lack the words to express love to them. In return, these “intimidating” smart women may not tell you what they want to hear since you are the one who should know the words and actions to use while courting them.
Smart women are intelligent and they know what they want and you should go into their minds and discern it! Here are some of the few things they may want done to/for them:
1. Being complimented
You need to tell her how beautiful she is and what you truly love about her like her new hairstyle, how her dance moves amaze you and others. Reminding her that she makes you feel proud and be a complete man is also important.
2. Being comforted with a hug when crying
Smart women also may cry when sad or happy when watching a deep emotional movie. Don’t see this as childish or stupid, those are simply emotions. Just put your hands around her and hold her deep.
3. Use affectionate actions and movements
Small gestures like putting your hand around her shoulder, helping cut her fingernails, and other signs that would help her feel cherished are welcome.
4. Cheering her up, encouraging her, are things you should often
Love should be seasoned like food. Reassuring her that she is the only woman for you is important; the same as encouraging her in her projects, ideas, and other endeavours is critical.
5… Be smart too…
When I started, I wrote how you should “read her mind”, this is not hard at all. You can check on the romantic movies and books she likes reading and see the pattern, you can learn from their content what she likes. This will help you in knowing which romantic words she likes hearing and use them!