Since the government abolished corporal punishment a few years ago, the pupils of nowadays may not know how difficult it was during the days of corporal punishment.

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Pupils did everything and anything possible to avoid punishment.

1. Hiding in the toilet

This was so common among boys. Having not completed classwork on time or having failed to collect his or her work, a pupil would go to the toilet in order to skip that particular lesson. He or she will stay inside the toilet for the entire period of the lesson. 

2. Crocodile Tears

One could start crying the moment a cane is brought. They start wailing so loud. If the teacher goes ahead to cane, you double the volume until you become a public nuisance. The teacher will just give up and opt for some abusive words instead.

3. Feign sickness

Faking sickness was another way pupils dodged punishment. When you see the Mathematics teacher coming and you know you scored 1/10 in yesterday’s assignment, what can really prevent you from becoming sick? You start by shaking and appearing weak. Then you force yourself to vomit. If possible, roll on the floor as if you are possessed by demons. Cry and say you want to go to the hospital. Insist you cannot walk so that the school van is brought to transport you to the clinic.

4. Absenteeism

This trick was common among pupils who attended day schools. If you know you did a mistake and you are wanted for punishment, you simply do not show up tomorrow.

You have to come up with a good excuse to convince your parents to let you stay at home. Most students used to say they are not feeling well but it became a redundant excuse.

5. Threats

Some smart students would use threats to scare away the teacher. I remember a classmate of mine who threatened a Kiswahili teacher that he would report her to the police. 

We laughed and thought it was a big joke but it actually worked. The teacher was kind of scared. She even apologized.