Battery Manufacturer Chloride Exide shocked many after their Nairobi-based male staff donned female attires on Thursday, October 4. 

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The company tweeted that the move was a sign of supporting female health especially breast cancer during this customer service week.


“Our customers were highly entertained today when our male staff, led by our Group CEO, walked a day in women’s shoes (Literally) in support of women’s health, particularly breast cancer. #CrossDressThursday #CSWeek2018 #SustainingCXEcellence #SlayQueens,” read the company’s tweet.


The Cross Dress Thursday theme went viral online and attracted mixed reactions from netizens. 

A section viewed this move as insensitive to local tastes and culture while others were excited by the exceptional act in support of women.

Here are some of the responses.

Esther Wangari said: 

”Ya’ll look better than me in a dress. I’d walk into your offices just to make fun of you and have a good laugh.”


Fiona Ingolo added: 

“I love it. The thoughtful gesture to try and spend and walk a day in my shoes. Loooooove it.”