No one would hate becoming rich. Some people work really hard to achieve while others like shortcuts to amass wealth and riches in a short period of time. 

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It may be hard for rich men to distinguish between genuine women looking for love and golddiggers whose real intentions are concealed. Some ladies aren't looking for love but are after your money.

There are several signs that she is just there because of your huge bank account which include:

1. Being showy, flamboyant and materialistic 

This lady will occasionally tell you of the modish expensive things in the market and ask you to buy it for her among other favours. You'll realize her true personality when you are broke.

2. Egocentric attitude

Any relationship requires sacrifices by both parties. Being self-centred shows that she's not committed to supporting you in your low moments. She always expects you to turn up positively with cash when she needs your intervention but never replicates the same to you. She is in love with your wallet. 

3. She is preoccupied with money and sex topics at the expense of your family

If she's planned a lifelong commitment with you, she is likely to get more attached to your family and vice versa. A lady keen on exploiting your wallet will have most talks revolving around sex and money. 

4. Being nosy and overly inquisitive of your money 

This lady likes inquiring you about your finances and is more interested when you talk about your bank account details. By pretending to care more and being concerned about you; she likes your money, not you.