As expected, dating is considered by many as the wild, wild west due to its unpredictability and numerous hostilities that constitute the bulk of what many term as 'bad dating experiences'. 

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Rejection, unfortunately, is one such bad experience that can take a huge hit on one's confidence and sense of individuality if not managed properly.

Men experience lots of rejections in the quest of love and companionship. Here are few tips on how to handle rejections:

1. Don't take it too personal

In the hit of the moment, you might get carried away by the hurt caused by rejection, especially if a lady you fancy turned down your advances rather too harshly or in a demeaning fashion. Remember, it's all part of the game.

2. It's never a quid pro quo

No matter how deeply you may feel about this girl, it really doesn't tip the scales in your favour. 

You definitely don't have any control over her feelings, and this might come as a shocker too- neither does she! We love who we love, period.

3. Dating is a dynamic game

Dating like fashion changes nearly all the time. Women are uniquely different too, what worked yesterday might not work today and what worked perfectly with Rose might not cut it with Jane. 

Rejection should offer perspective and insight.

4. Get over yourself!

You're not the Messiah, come back to life- even He still faces rejection. 

Ego is a recipe for disaster both in dating as well as in relationships. 

Rejection is just a closing door; another will surely open if you dust off and look around.

5. Know when to fold

Throwing tantrums like a big baby and crying like a whelping child will just make things worse. 

Reading the clear signs of rejection is a winner in the dating game. Don't overindulge when beat, know when to walk away.

