Renowned comedian Felix Odiwuor, better known by his stage moniker Jalang'o, had the crowning moment of his career after emceeing in an event that was graced by Former President Barrack Obama in Siaya.

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Speaking on a local mainstream television station, Jalang'o revealed that he had a session with the U.S Secret Service, an agency charged with the responsibility of protecting U.S leaders, before interacting with Obama.

What's more, after the session the comedian's phone conversations were monitored.

"Forget the rehearsals, the interview, meeting the secret service and everything... You don't just wake up and be the emcee for Obama," Jalang'o said.

The grilling of Mr Jalang'o is in keeping with the established practice of vetting individuals set to interact with U.S leaders.

This with the express intention of ensuring that the said individuals don't pose a security threat.

Jalang'o welcomed Obama onstage in Kogello, Siaya County during a Sauti Kuu project.