Body language tells a lot about someone. Different people have different personalities. In a relationship, both partners have different traits.

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Here are four types of lovers you should know before falling in love. 

1. Doubters

It is very hard to date a doubter. He does not trust you completely and you always have to prove that you love him. He always feels threatened by everything in the relationship. Getting into a relationship with such a person will never be fruitful. 

2. Actors 

This type of lover pretends to be someone he’s not. He tries to change his personality in order to please you. His promises are never fulfilled. Always be keen to notice such a person. He likes talking big and making big promises which he never fulfils.

3. Selfish lover

He will never do anything for you unless he'll benefit from it. His ego runs the show, he prioritises his needs before anything in the relationship. If you think he has done something good for you, rethink, he only did it because it will benefit him. 

4. Controllers

This type of guy is very pleasing in the first stages of the relationship. His regular texts and calls will show you that he really cares. After sometime, he starts controlling your life, always asking about your whereabouts and spying on you. Such guys are usually sweet and loving at the beginning but are extremely toxic.