Are you aware that cancer can be easily cured when detected at an early stage? 

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Well, it is highly curable through chemotherapy and radiotherapy. 

Here are the  most curable cancers you ought to know

1. Breast cancer 

This cancer is characterized by different stages. 

For instance, stage 0, 1 and so on. It is highly curable in stage 0 and 1. Stage 0 is divided into two which include ductal carcinoma in situ which occurs when the breast cells develop in the breast duct. 

The other type of stage 0 is lobular carcinoma in situ which occurs which occurs when abnormal cells develop in the lobules. At this stage, the cancer is more than curable. 

At stage 1, the cancer is also curable and survivable. 

2. Prostate cancer

It is reported that prostate cancer has a 99 percent high survival rate at stage 1 and 2. Prostate tumors can grow at a slower rate.

In some instances, the tumors don't grow at all. The tumors that don't increase in size may not require treatment if a doctor renders them harmless. 

3. Testicular cancer

Just like the abovementioned cancers, it is among the most curable cancers with five-year survival rates. Doctors can cure cancer during its early stages. They can also treat it when the tumors haven't awash to other body parts.