Are you aware that you can repurpose common household items and make them useful for other purposes? Yes, sure you can use a sandpaper to remove any sticky residue and make them sharper especially the knives and scissors. Below are some of the hilarious surprising uses of sandpaper. 

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1. Sharpening scissors 

You can use the sandpaper to sharpen the dull blades this is because it removes any sticky residue on the scissors thus making it sharper. 

2. Removing rust from knives 

Sandpaper brings you rusty tools back to life in that it removes all the rust and makes them much sharper.

3. Encourages seeds to sprout faster 

It speeds up the germination process. This happens when you run a fine grit sandpaper over the hard-coated seeds for some time as it breaks down the seed's outer shell thus allowing water to penetrate to it more quickly thus promoting its growth. 

4. Sharpening sewing needles 

Poking the sewing needles through a sandpaper makes them sharper than ever before as it removes all the residue. 

5. Pot scrubber

You can remove burnt on cooking stains by simply applying sandpaper to them it makes them very tidy. 

6. Softening rough heels 

If you have rough heels never worry you can use a fine grain sandpaper to rub the dead skin cells from your heels. Make you do this when the skin is very dry.