ODM legislators have told Kenyans to get ready and vote in the looming referendum, arguing that it's inevitable.

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In Migori County over the weekend, Suna West MP Peter Masara hosted seven other colleagues at a funds drive in Shirikisho Ogada church, with all attendees revisiting the referendum.

“We know that currently, the Building Bridges Initiative team is drafting a referendum call. We have started moving across the country to push the matter directly to Kenyans before the question for referendum comes out,” T. J Kajwang’ said.

‘’We are not going to allow anybody to attack Raila anyhow for the sake of political expediency. Those egocentric about handshake do not mean well for Kenyans and are ethnic chauvinists,’’ added Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi.

Wandayi said Kenya will not prosper if the diverse communities who are held together by common values pull parallel to the theme of national unity as is enshrined in the National Anthem.

Those MPs present at the function were Dr James Nyikal (Seme),Tom Kajwang (Ruaraka), Tom Odege (Nyatike), Eve Obara (Kasipul-Kabondo), Jared Okello (Nyando), Onyango Koyoo (Muhoroni) and Peter Masara (Suna West).

So far Raila, has come out to deny that he was part of the gold scam, claiming that he acted as a whistleblower when he realized the deal.

‘’Those who want to wedge smear campaigns against Raila are harboring ill political motives and good thinking Kenyans should stand up and say no to divisive or corrosive politics of hate,’’ said Nyikal.

The MPs defended handshake saying that there are some people who think that the coming together of Raila and the President was about 2022 succession.
