The World Heritage Committee inscribed Fort Jesus on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2001. 

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Fort Jesus Museum is the ideal world heritage treasure to visit. It’s a magnificent and ancient landmark of Mombasa City that plays a vital role in showcasing the city’s rich history and cultural heritage. 

Fort Jesus Mombasa is one of the most visited sites in Mombasa.

However, in this gigantic historical landmark sits the Fort Jesus Museum which is just after the main entrance to the fort. Inside the museum, there are numerous items that were used in the previous centuries. 

A lot of visitors who come here often forget or spend very little time in Fort Jesus Museum yet it’s perhaps the closest you can come to understanding how communities in the past lived and what type of economic and social activities they were engaged in. 

At the entrance of the Fort Jesus Museum, there is an aerial map of the fort that makes it easier for visitors to understand the different sections of the fort and the roles they played when Fort Jesus was still in use. 

On display are various items and tools that were considered to be of utmost importance in those days; Fort Jesus Museum is a collection of items dating far back as the 14th century to 19th century. 

Among the common items to see in this top Mombasa tourist attraction site include; an ancient Portuguese chair, Persian chest, drums, plates, gourds among other unique items that have been well preserved over the years. 

Remember, when viewing these items avoid touching them because they’re extremely sensitive because of their old age; every item has a polite notice requesting visitors to refrain from touching items.

Despite the fact that the indoor section of Fort Jesus Mombasa is not large; there is a lot to see.

 Tourists both domestic and international as well as tour groups and students find this site a perfect spot to indulge with history. 

Outside the Fort Jesus Museum is a unique and eye catching display of canons neatly arranged signifying how controllers of Fort Jesus Mombasa in the olden times valued canons are superior weapons for destroying the enemy.

 The Fort Jesus Museum also has a large compound; outside the museum building, there are numerous wall hangings and items on display. Fort Jesus Mombasa is huge and therefore, you need to have a plan of how to explore it so that you don’t exclude any section. 

Most guides recommend touring the exterior section of the fort and finalising with the indoor museum. Whichever approach you decide to take; don’t forget to tour the enclosed museum section. 

Fort Jesus has managed to retain its charm as one of the most visited heritage sites not only in Kenya but in the entire region. 

Together with the indoor museum, Fort Jesus Mombasa is spectacle that still stands strong to remind us all of the events that gave birth to Mombasa.

 To access the indoor Fort Jesus Museum, there’s an entrance fee that is paid at the gate. To get more value for your money, visit in good time so that you have ample time to explore the fort as well as visit the indoor museum to enjoy a complete historic experience.

Fawz Rashid 

CeC - Department of Trade, Tourism and Investment

Mombasa County