Residents of Nyatike in Migori county have called for the closure of a Chinese mining company operating in the area.
The company has been harvesting the sand along River Kuja.
Through their MP Tom Odege, area locals have accused the company of exhausting their resources.
The locals are claiming that the company is disrupting their lives, considering that many locals are depending on sand harvesting as their source of living.
This comes only four months after another Chinese company engaging in similar operstions was closed down, after locals raised similar complains.
The comolains were echoed by North Seka Sand Mining Cooperative Secretary Henry Kisinga.
Kisinga said that the company is using modern sand harvesting machinery which is in turn resulting to serious environmental destruction.
He told the Citizen Digital that the company owners are enjoying some protection from powerful individuals.
He warned that locals will use alternative ways to stop it if government refuses to intervene and have it closed down.
This comes at a time when locals want a complete ban of foreign companies from harvesting sand in the area.