There are hundreds of bars in Kibera. The bars operate throughout the week. Both men and women in Kibera love partying. One of the best places to have fun is no doubt Kibera. There are different types of women you will encounter when you visit a bar. Here are types of women you will meet in Kibera bars: 

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1. Commercial sex workers

Hookers have invaded bars. These women take advantage of the extravagant nature of beer lovers to make money. The women can be found lined up in different corners of bars waiting for clients.

2. The parasites: 

There are women who are only present in bars to ‘eat men’s money’. These women rarely buy anything. You will find them seated somewhere waiting for men who can buy them drinks and even food. 

3. Drug addict

 There are women who are addicted to drugs in Kibera. These women cannot go a day without tasting the drugs. Their love for drugs makes them prisoners of their destiny. These women will do anything to get the drugs from men. 

4. Novice

 These women can be identified by their naïve nature. They are less informed about different things in the club. Most of them are shy and they always walk in groups.