Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Director of Communications Philip Etale now says that attempts are in place by Deputy President William Ruto's quarters to kick out Jubilee Party Secretary-General Raphael Tuju.

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Tuju has been accused of sabotaging Ruto's chances in his 2022 presidential bid by a number of his allies. 

The DP on Saturday indirectly warned party officials against being misused.

Though he never directly pointed at the former Rarieda MP as a villain while speaking in Trans Nzoia and Bungoma counties, Etale now claims that Ruto has launched an offensive to have Tuju ousted.

He, however, in a tweet on Sunday, faulted the DP, accusing him of discrimination and wondered why he has not been as angry with Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa who has been going around insulting people in his (Ruto) favour.

Etale noted that Tuju, who has landed in trouble after a phone conversation of him and former Limuru MP George Nyanja plotting to frame Ruto emerged, could have just made a timely proposal.

"Aisha Jumwa has been vocal at rallies and funny functions insulting Raila Odinga, the ODM party boss and the party. In fact, she has been very popular with her benefactors led by DP himself. Hon. Tuju may have just made a timely proposal, he has become a bad man and DP wants him out," he tweeted.

Others who have asked for Tuju's exit include Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichungw'a and Senator Aaron Cheruiyot (Kericho).

In the clip which has been making rounds online, Tuju is heard telling Nyanja to organize a fundraiser towards the reconstruction of the Kimbaa Church, saying that they will construct the foundation and invite Ruto to do the rest.

The church was destroyed and people burnt inside during the 2007 post-election violence, with the inclusion of Ruto in the issue being most likely a mockery to his heavy involvement in harambees.