A wise person once said life is short, play nuts. I like to think that he meant, life is too precious to live it without colour, without risk and all the excitement it comes with.

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 Most people with depression live average and unfulfilling lives.

While it's true nobody can control the future, it's also true you can control the present. 

The following tips will help you overcome the average life and break out of the cocoon of self-doubt, dullness and boredom:

1. Believe in yourself

Confidence is key in every situation in life. Own who you are and never be sorry for it. 

If you don't believe in yourself, trust me, no one will.

2. Try new things

We don't know what we are good and bad at until we actually try it out. 

Be adventurous. Go on that road trip you so wanted, approach that girl you've always crushed on, befriend that quiet foreign student in your class. 

You never know, you might stumble upon a treasure or a talent you never knew you had.

3. Smile often

Scientifically, smiling uses less energy than frowning does, so its easier than the latter. 

Frowning is a good-vibe vampire that engulfs an aura of miserableness around you. Nobody likes a miserable person.

4. Be kind

Be good to others. Be helpful and be approachable. 

This helps you make friends easily and improves your life.

5. Right company

The people you hang out with truly impact your life. 

They rub off their attitudes, goals and energy on you. So make a wise decision.

6.  Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Fear of failure is bad for you. If you don't make mistakes, you will never learn. 

But if you do, and you learn from it, my friend you are really on the right track to overcoming averageness.


7. Be different

Stand out from the crowd. Don't hide behind your insecurities, instead, face them and control them.  

Because that way, you will know who you really are.

So good people, go out there and stop being average. Be excellent, be yourself.
