Cancer is one of the dreaded diseases in the world. However, many people have survived this scary disease through early treatments. 

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Surviving cancer is a blessing, but also comes with its own challenges. However, there is a lot you can do to make sure that a cancer survivor overcomes any challenges that come their way. 

Here are five things you can do to help a cancer survivor:

1. Accompany them during visits to their oncologists

Cancer treatments are overwhelming. Sometimes, they cause mental fogginess that makes cancer patients afraid to attend the treatment sessions. However, you can offer to take your friend to see the doctor and show him/her support.

2. Visit them

Cancer survivors need to be visited and encouraged. Visiting them will show your support towards their recovery hence they will fight to completely keep the disease away. Visiting a patient makes them happy. Always remember to take them to celebrate Cancer Survivor's Day so that they can be encouraged and even meet people who have fought and defeated cancer. 

3. Listen to them

Sometimes listening can be a very important tool. Instead of assuming how someone is feeling, go ahead and ask him/her how they feel. Not all cancer survivors feel the same way. Listening to them will make them feel good.

4. Help them do their chores

Make sure you help them do house chores and other things that might be difficult for them. Usually, cancer patients feel sick and tired due to their medication. You can cook them meals and do all the things that need to be done for them.