Red roses are a symbol of love and affection. Among the many varieties of flowers, red roses have remained a treasure to lovers and families.
Several times, partners fail to live fully into their marriage according to the will of their creator and as a result, this leads to them failing to enjoy the fruits of this institution.
From the downside of marriage, the world has tried to portray it as a weak, fragile and breakable institution by inventing wicked “escape routes” such as prenuptial agreements.
But truth be told; marriage is truly a bed of red roses. Even roses have thorns and you should expect to be punched by them when harvesting or when planting them.
These thorns are present in marriage too. There may be challenges and hard times mainly due to lack of trust and unconditional love and understanding but all these can be overcome by constant communication and forgiveness.
All marriages go through a series of challenges in their lifetimes. Genuine love is always proven through overcoming these challenges.
Always set your mind that you will conquer whichever adversity that comes about to rock your marriage and never ever fall into the trap of comparing your marriage with that of someone else because every marriage is unique.