On Saturday during the Madaraka Day celebrations, President Uhuru Kenyatta launched the new currency notes. 

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During the same event, he directed that the old Sh1000 notes will be phased out by October 2019. The new currency has been met with a lot of controversies. In Machakos County, a certain landlord has now ordered tenants to pay rent using the new currency notes. In a notice posted online by controversial city blogger Robert Alai, Viraj Estate landlord wants rent paid in cash only, but using the new notes. “Hey @KRACorporate, there is a group of apartments called Viraj Villas, Apartments, etc. They now want tenants to pay rent in cash and notes must be new. Cheapest rental there is Ksh 47,000 per month while some go for even Ksh 80,000 per month. @KRACare @DCI_Kenya,” posted Alai.Viraj Estate is located in Katani, Machakos County. Here were the reactions;