The County Assembly of Uasin Gishu last week passed a motion to restructure all its committees as well as its leadership.

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It is a move that saw new committees put up with some getting new leadership.

The restructuring process also saw all nominated Members of County Assembly (MCAs) lose the chairperson positions they were holding.

Nominated MCA Jenny Too who was the deputy leader of the majority was the biggest casualty as she lost her position and was replaced by Megun MCA Julius Sang.

An MCA who sought anonymity said removing nominated MCAs from leadership positions was meant to strengthen the assembly's leadership.

The leader of Majority remains Karuna/Mebeki MCA Josphat Lowoi with David Sing’oei (Ng’enyilei) being the Majority Chief Whip and Cheptiret/Kipchamo MCA Gilbert Tenai as his deputy.

Here is the full list of Committee chairs and their deputies that was approved by the assembly on Thursday;

Delegated Legislation 

Patrick Bundotich – Chair

Gilbert Bett – Vice-chair 

Devolution and Public Administration 

Samuel Choge – Chair

Eileen Kendagor – Vice-chair 

ICT and E-Government 

Peter Chomba – Chair

Jenny Too – Vice-chair 

Water, Environment, Natural Resources 

Hillary Rono – Chair 

Isaac Kemboi – Vice-chair

Tourism and Wildlife Management 

Gilbert Bett – Chair 

Hosea Korir – Vice-chair 

Public Accounts 

Ramadan Ali – Chair 

Mary Goreti Boroswa – Vice-chair 

Public Investment

Phillip Mely – Chair 

Julius Sang – Vice-chair

Youth and Sports 

Edward Yego – Chair 

Leah Malot – Vice-chair 

Gender, Culture, Social Services and Welfare 

Francis Muya – Chair 

Eileen Kendagor – Vice-chair
