It is true that Kalenjin girls make good wives. 

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They are so much industrious as they are usually taught house chores and other duties at a tender age. Kalenjin mothers are also known to be so much strict to their girls thus making them sharp.

Most of these girls are also brought up in the village making them morally upright wives as compared to girls brought up in urban areas who get exposed to decayed ways of life mostly experienced in ghettos and towns.

Approaching a Kalenjin girl at times may turn to be a hectic experience.

Here are three mistakes you should avoid while vibing her;

Using the English language

Kalenjins hate this language and most of the girls from the community will hate you if you speak to them in English. They may not even answer you. If you are a Kalenjin, use your language and if you are not, then use Swahili when speaking to her.

Do not force her to speak

Forcing a Kalenjin girl to speak to you will be a big mistake. She can answer you in a very harsh way or directly tell you that she is not interested in you or your love. If she refuses to speak during the first time let her go and try your luck the next time you meet.

Beating around the bush 

This is what they hate most. Just go straight to the point and tell her what you feel and express your love for her. If you start from saying other things when she knows what you want, a Kalenjin girl will easily tell you she knows what you want. Always go straight to the point when vibing a Kalenjin girl.

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