Is democracy a good deal to govern things in any county?The truth is that the government of the day in Nyamira county and political parties have reached their historical low when it comes to trust, the county is crying for a strong leader who does not have to bother with the MCAs. 

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It is true that the Nyamira county assembly is one of the least trusted institutions in our county today, although a certain scepticism is an essential component of citizenship in a free society, we are justified in asking how wide spread this distrust might be and at what point healthy scepticism tips over into outright aversion.

In Nyamira county people voted for different seats and Jubilee and ODM had majority of the positions in the county assembly. Before the elections, parties were seeing themselves less intermediaries between people and power and instead settled into the fringes of the county government tools.

The MCAs who have hardly initiated anything back in their home wards have now become spanner boys of the governor, they have just turned themselves into voting machines,all they are left to do is sit at the Guardian hotel or Canaan Hotel waiting for a call to go and get handouts and vote.

Some of the MCAs in the county assembly including the nominated MCAs seem incoherent, incapable of thinking beyond the most rudimentary and therefore apparently ill-equipped to be in legislators. 

We need a break to rebalance the political electrolytes, history will judge the MCAs who tend to rumble over everything

The other time the motion that was being fronted by a nominated MCA and now by the MCA Magwagwa ward who is an opposite of a genius and a beneficiary of the most intricate conspiracy of all times, and for that reason we want to award Hon Fred Omayio, for the exams he did since he was elected one year ago.

For development we give him a (D+), for attending funerals and telling lies (A-), for pushing for bills that are beneficial to his constituents in the county assembly he gets a (D-), for articulation of issues concerning mwananchi he gets a (D), for supporting and being used to push for motions that are going to create channels of corruption he gets an (A)plain 

Having awarded him we have practical example when he openly told lies,he told the public in a youth training gathering that the county assembly had not stopped the giving of bursaries to university students.

Now the latter is presenting a motion to impeach the sitting speaker of the county assembly because the speaker Hon Moffat Teya is charismatic, articulate, hardworking,rumbustious and articulate.

He is sealing all the loopholes of corruption. The plan to ouster the speaker,his deputy and the nominated MCAs who have changed the songs that they used to listen to and are allied to the speaker is a wrong move and far fetched. The meeting on the green grass is not meant for the good of the residents of Nyamira county.

Our greatest worry is,why have we never had a meeting to discuss the issues around the 7million gate, the medics strike, construction of ECD centers? 

Is this the ideal case study of a wasted devolution.We have a county assembly of slaves, an assembly that cannot stand up for themselves, an assembly that cannot define its role, were they elected to play politics of impeachment? 2022 will be a revolt poll and history will judge them harshly.The ouster of the speaker of the county assembly Hon Moffat will seal their fate.
