Despite her persistent threats to Raila Odinga's ODM party, Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa finally surrendered to disciplinary committee.
Accompanied by her lawyer Kioko Kilukumi, Ms. Jumwa, who had initially rubbished the summons, was joined by her Msambweni counterpart Suleiman Dori.
The two had been summoned but the date was pushed from last Wednesday due to Moi Day celebrations and were to answer their links to Deputy President William Ruto.
In Ruto's recent tours to the coastal strip, Ms. Jumwa has maintained that she has nothing to lose, adding that her decision was informed by handshake.
"I am supporting Ruto because of the handshake. Those kind of summons I will not honour them," she said.
Last time when she dishonored the summons, she said: "I had informed them that I was out of the country on social media."
Mr. Ruto recently accused Raila's party of dictatorial tendencies, claiming that he was once a victim of 'such summons' before quitting the party.
ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna, who however doesn't sit in the Joe Ager led committee, maintained that the party will take actions against all rebels.
The Friday's shock appearance Ms. Jumwa indicates that she may have changed her approach due to a possibility of being evicted from the party and a subsequent by-election.