Luo Nyanza is among the most heated up regions once the campaign window opens.

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Here are the three words that dominate the region when the elections period set in.

1. Ombulu 

It is the Luo word for a vote, the document that enables one participate in the voting process.

With the 2022 elections nearing, it will be the main issue as people encourage each other to register in preparation for the polls.

Politicians seeking positions and those drumming up support for others will also be pushing for the same as is always the case during such times.

2. Agwambo

This is the name used to refer to Opposition leader Raila Odinga.

Being the Luo Nyanza political kingpin, Luos will be depending on his directives on how they will vote.

In the instance that he vies, then he will have doubled the same since the region has for long been obsessed with his presidency, which is yet to realize.

3. Dongruok

Each and every person seeking an elective seat promises many things, but the leading one is usually 'development' (dongruok in Luo).

This is the other word that will be overused by both local hopefuls and visiting presidential candidates as they seek to woo the voters.
