Kisumu City has been ranked last according to a report released on Wednesday highlighting the best performing urban areas in the country.

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The study conducted by the Institute of Economic Affairs was based on favorable business environment for both residents and investors. 

The study was conducted on six towns that include; Kisumu, Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, Machakos, and Eldoret.

The report dubbed Kenya Urban Areas Performance Index 2018 Report ranked Nairobi as the best city with an approval rating of 63%.

Nakuru emerged second with an approval rating of 56%, followed by Eldoret, Mombasa, Machakos, and Kisumu which had an approval rating of 55.7%, 55.1%, 53.9%, and 47.6% respectively.

Among the six towns, Eldoret is the only one which does not double up as a county.

“Despite coming last, Kisumu was ranked first in effective management of asset and privatization of non-core assets,” Citizen Digital quotes part of the report.

“The study was conducted using the Urban Areas Performance Index (UAPI), modified and adopted from Municipal Performance Index that has successfully been used by Lithuania Free Market Institute (LFMI) for eight years since 2011," the report was further quoted.

The lakeside city performed poorly in the cluster for investment, conditions for residents and Principles of Good Governance.