The Kalenjin community is known everywhere in the world by its members' ability to run. 

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They engage in medium and long distance running.

Over decades, runners from Kalenjin community have broken records creating interest to know their secrets. 

Kalenjins ability to run is triggered by several factors. These factors range from biological, environmental, cultural, to mention but a few

These are secrets behind Kalenjins ability to run;

They train at high altitude places

Kalenjin runners normally practise at high altitude places, especially Elgeiyo Marakwet county. They choose this places because the air is known to be "'thinner' hence there are fewer oxygen molecules per volume of air, this is from my biology class.

Biologists say every single breath taken at a high altitude gives less of what working muscles demands. By training in this places, athletes are aiming to allow their bodies to produce excess red blood cells. This means athletes will be energetic at any level of altitude

Training in mountains and hills

Kalenjin athletes wake up early to train in available hills and mountains. The location is surrounded by several hills. This makes their muscles strong unlike someone training in the lowland.

Upbringing as an athlete 

Kalenjin children are brought up with the spirit of running. They are told stories about prosperous marathon runners. The child will grow up wanting to travel overseas and bring home medals like their forefathers.
