Despite featuring in the list of graduands, deputy president William Ruto did not after all receive his PhD degree from University of Nairobi on Friday.

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The DP was among few graduands who had excelled from the school of Sciences.

But his official trip to Congo may have precipitated his absence from the 59th graduation in which many people had anticipated to see him take honours.

For the better part of Friday, the DP was in Brazaville where he assessed farming in the Central African nation.

And now, he will have to wait until December when the institution will be conducting a mini graduation, specially meant for those who miss main graduation.

Ruto first graduated from the institution in 1990 with bachelors degree in Botany and Zoology before taking masters in Environmental Science.

According to Friday's list, he'd excelled in PhD, Biological Sciences, one of the most prestigious academic achievement in the world.
