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The Kamba language is among the easiest to learn in the country.

Most people know or speak a little bit of it.

It's the language that you will identify whether you know it or not. Kambas being Bantus, some of their words are almost the same with other languages.

Here are some of the common Kamba words that I'm sure you have said or heard somewhere:

1. Asi

Someone would say 'asi' while excited or happy.

An exclamation word commonly used by ladies. Others would even prolong it to 'asisi', to emphasize on the excitement.

It also has the same meaning as 'iya'.

2. Nayu

Just like the Swahili greeting 'sasa', so is 'nayu' where someone replies 'ni kuseo'.

3. Uka tuthi

The seven-word name means come, let's go. It's among the commonly used Kamba names even by non-kambas trying to speak the language.

4. Thi naku

This is a word said by people when you're telling them something and they can't believe it or they think you're exaggerating.

It's the same as the Swahili word 'kwenda huko'.

5. Kasee

The name could mean 'buddy', mostly used by men when referring to their male counterparts. You can't address an elderly man by that name, it will seem like lack of respect.

Also, there are people who have the name as a nickname.

