There are so many ways of combatting incisions or open wounds.  Some are not as effective as you may think. For instance, using salt can simply exacerbate the condition rather than alleviating it. 

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Walter Sipe, M.D. of the University of California, San Francisco pointed out it is the worst thing you should never do when trying to cure your wounds. He opined that salt simply bring about tissue damages. 

Here are his remarks  regarding the risk of utilising salt 

"Let me start by saying: Do not put salt on your cut. The single most important aspect of wound care in the backcountry is vigorous and copious irrigation with clean water (filtered or chemically treated so it is drinkable)." 

"You can generate a high-pressure stream by filling a zip-top plastic bag with water, poking a tiny hole in a bottom corner of it with a needle, and then squeezing the bag so water comes out through the hole. For dirty wounds, vigorous scrubbing to remove foreign bodies is also important."

"Exposing wounds to iodine, alcohol, peroxide , and pure salt is no more effective than water irrigation at preventing infection and can potentially damage tissues. The safest way to slow bleeding is to hold direct pressure on the wound until the bleeding stops," says Walter Sipe, M.D

One of the best ways to treat them is by using treated clean water as quoted above.