Pressure continues to mount on President Uhuru Kenyatta to order for the arrest of Deputy President William Ruto over graft.

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This is after a recent survey by Ipsos Synovate named Ruto as the perceived most corrupt individual in the country.

The DP, however, has dismissed the poll accusing his political rivals of sponsoring the research in order to scuttle his 2022 presidential bid.

Kenyans calling for Ruto's arrest accuse him of allegedly grabbing a public land in Nairobi where he has constructed his prestigious Weston Hotel.

"President Uhuru Kenyatta should order EACC and police to arrest Ruto and arraign him in court the same way other people are being arrested for engaging in corruption," said former Bonchari MP Protus Kebati Momanyi.

If this will come to pass, it will be not the first time for Ruto to be apprehended and face criminal proceedings.

When retired President Mwai Kibaki was sworn in for his first term, he vowed to slay the corruption dragon and promised even the high and mighty would also face the law.

Within 15 months in office, Kibaki had ordered the arrest of a number of prominent personalities including Ruto, who then served as the MP for Eldoret North constituency in Rift Valley province.

He was arrested on April 13, 2004 alongside former Lands Commissioner Samuel Mwaita.

The duo, who were facing accusations of grabbing part of Ngong forest and selling it to private companies for over Sh272 million, spent the night under tight security in police cells in Nairobi.

The next day the party leader of KANU, Uhuru Kenyatta hit out at the government over Ruto's arrest.

The current Jubilee party leader those days used to be the official opposition leader.

A visibly furious Uhuru stormed Parliament and demanded the government produce Ruto and take him straight to court.

He termed the arrest as an attempt by the NARC administration to clamp down on KANU legislators. 

"We hope this is not an attempt by the Government to intimidate members of the opposition into silence," Uhuru said.

There was shouting match in the House as KANU MPs tried to defend their man amid heckles by their NARC counterparts who referred to Ruto as 'mwizi' (thug).

A group of legislators led by Gideon Moi, Charles Keter, Nick Salat and others camped at Kileleshwa police station seeking Ruto's release in vain.
