Rejection by a lady is one of the most devastating and agonizing experiences that happen to a man's life. 

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It later leads to stress and one may end up committing suicide. A guy will start asking himself what the lady thinks about him, is he not attractive or handsome and so on.  This is why men feel angry and hurt when rejected. 

However, anger and frustration will be a misguided reaction when a lady turns down your proposal. The following are simple steps you should take when dealing with rejection: 

1. Improve your skill

If every lady you approach turns down your proposal, it clearly indicates that one of your skill is dead, therefore, you have all it takes to improve it.

Even if you are the right type of a guy, a movie star, the good looking man with an undeveloped skill to be open-minded, you have to swallow this; you will be continually frustrated while approaching. 

2. Beat your approach anxiety

Ladies might have been turning you away due to the way you present yourself before them. Confidence and seriousness matter a lot in this case. If you are so anxious or nervous, ladies will always see you as a coward. Nevertheless, you ought to take life as fun and not serious all the time. 

3. Focus on one girl

At times, men will approach a beautiful lady who is in the company of her friends, let's say four or five. Try to tackle your dream girl when she is alone or just one friend. Nobody has to tell you that a woman will shy off if you approached her in a group, and the tendency of dismissal at this point is high.