Miss Lang’ata Prison 2016 beauty pageant Ruth Kamande is set to be sentenced on Thursday, July 19, 2018.

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Kamande was found guilty of killing her boyfriend in 2015. 

High Court judge Jessie Lesiit set the date on Wednesday, with Ms. Kamande’s advocate urging the court to hand a lenient jail sentence since the accused had “established a close relationship with God” since being taken into custody in 2015. 

The advocate told the court that Kamande had become a Muslim and had since become religious and prays five times a day. The court further heard that the accused had enrolled to study theology education at the prison, an indication that her stay in custody had streamlined her. 

The court was also told that Ms. Kamande was the only child to her single mum after her younger brother passed on. 

The prosecution requested the judge to hand Kamande a death penalty for being arrogant during the trial.

“The 24-year-old then, whose life was cut short is an orphan and had a task of providing for the rest of the family members, hence justice should prevail,” said the prosecution counsel. 

Kamande was found guilty of killing her boyfriend Farid Mohammed in 2015. 

The High Court convicted Ms. Kamande noting that her actions proved malice, therefore, convicted her for murder. 

On allegations of rape, the court said that doctors carried out examinations and found that she had not been raped as she had alleged.