Eating the right food is not as easy as many may think. 

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First, if pregnant, one is always advised on the type of nutrition that should work best with her during that period. 

On the other hand, when trying to get pregnant, there are some foods one should avoid as there is a category of foods that lowers fertility. 

Here are some of the foods that one should avoid at all cost when trying to be pregnant.

1. Low-fat dairy

Consuming dairy products such as milk, yoghurt, and other products is not advised when a couple is planning for a pregnancy. 

The low-fat dairy produces androgens which when delivered in the body they tend to interfere with the menstrual cycle.

2. Alcohol

The same way a pregnant woman is not advised to consume alcohol; it also applies to a woman trying to get pregnant. 

It is because alcohol contributes to infertility, hence prevents one from getting pregnant.

3. Fish

Fish is a sweet and excellent food. 

However, some fish contains mercury which is harmful to your body. 

Having mercury in your body will prevent you from getting pregnant as it will tend to lower your fertility. 

But, one can at least rely on some fish such as; cod, shrimp and salmon.