Every woman dreams of a healthy and incredible relationship. For such dreams to be achieved, both partners need to play their roles and give their level best at all times. 

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However, some women tend to give a blind eye to certain factors that slowly tears the relationship apart. 

Such habits include:

1. Disrespect

Respect, honesty and trust are the key things at the beginning of every relationship.Once commitments are made, changes follows. If he starts  disrespecting and demeaning you in public, openly flirting  and giving less attention to your feelings and opinions, know that all is not well. 

Find means of solving the problem before it accumulates into something else that might shatter your ego completely.


If he truly cares for you and your happiness, he will be willing to watch,do see, and experience things you  enjoy. Your heart beats in unison and thoughts transfer through a simple glance of oneness. 

However,once priorities change and no compromise is made to strengthen your bond, gal, open your eyes and read the signs early to cub the situation on time rather than assuming that all will be fine.

Certain behavior.

If he's hanging out with "girlfriends" or spending more time at work does not necessarily mean that he is a jerk, but there are certain behavior that emerge once the relationship goes deeper that you should not give a blind eye to

For instance drinking excessively, dancing with friends more or even spending nights out without your knowledge. They might sound minor but once you settle down with the guy, you'll feel the full depth of such actions.