Empathy is the ability to detect other people's emotions and know their perspective towards different life experiences.In today's life, empathy plays an important role in holding people together and sharing most life solutions towards different challenges.

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Empathetic people have these characteristics in common.

1. They are active listeners

For you to offer desirable advice or motivate someone, you have to understand the situation in order to support the person in need. Empathetic people take their time to listen to people's experiences, opinions and preferences.

2. They are curious with strangers

Empathetic people develop a curiosity to new faces and initiate conversations with them. They find other people more interesting than themselves and this expands their empathy by being exposed to different people's views.

3. They are highly sensitive

These people are always ready to help though are usually afraid of losing their identity. They always want to offer a helping hand which might make them more emotional.

4. They need alone time

Although empathetic individuals like socializing and making new friends, they like having some alone time to recharge themselves. Spending much time with people of different opinions and characters can lead to emotional overload which might result in headaches or stress. Taking a break allows them to refocus and come up with solutions or alternatives to their friends' problems.