The ultimate goal for every scholar is to be brilliant.
We acquire wisdom through learning although some people believe that you can only be born genius. However, it is possible to make yourself intellect.
You wonder why great scientists like Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and Otto Hahn did a genius job! Your friends are excelling but you are not! It has reached a point where you are asking yourself what differentiates you with useless!
Don’t give up my friend. Below are tips to guide you on how to be a genius:
1. Believe in yourself
Nothing possible if you can’t believe in yourself my friend! Don’t criticize! To be a champ you must believe in yourself. Don’t expect motivation from others. I tell you, you will get nothing! Start now and all will be well.
2. Believe you are smart
Genius has nothing to do with born smart! It’s not how much you think you’re born brainy! Spend time on personal and psychological development, acquire new things and prioritize learning as the most important part of your life. Remember everybody has strength and weaknesses. They had those weaknesses but they emerged as great scientists.
To summarize this, Sir David Hawkins said this “Because genius is a characteristic of consciousness, genius is also universal. That which is universal is, therefore, theoretically available to every man. It awaits only the right circumstances to express it.”