Former Kitutu Masaba MP and Nyamira gubernatorial aspirant Walter Nyambati has dismissed claims that he jetted out of the country for treatment.

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Last week, his handlers claimed that he had gone for regular medical check-up in an American hospital.

But on  Tuesday, Nyambati, a top campaigner of President Uhuru Kenyatta, inisited that he went to the US to attend his nephew's wedding.

"I have heard people taking about my health. I want to assure my supporters that I am well. I am not sick as some of them are made to believe.

"For record, I want to assure you that I came over to attend a wedding of my nephew. I will be back to the country soonest," he said.

Mr Nyambati is battling with Governor John Nyagarama at the Supreme Court and the judges are due to rule on the election petition earliest next year.

He narrowly lost to Nyagarama having scored 59,000 votes while the incumbent managed 65,000, an outcome he disputes.

Last year, President Uhuru Kenyatta hinted that he would recruit to government all election losers from Nyamira but he's yet to fulfill his promises.
