Langalanga Secondary school is now the top day school in Nakuru County after the 2018 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exam results.

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140 students from the school attained the minimum entry for the university.

It also produced the 36th candidate nationally as well as having one of the most improved candidates from Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam to KCSE exam.

In trying to motivate pupils who got low marks in KCPE, Education Ministry sampled several pupils who scored low marks in their KCPE but did well in the 2018 KCSE.

This year’s performance was an improvement from what the school recorded last year.

The mean score went up from 2017’s 6.37 to 7.086 up from 6.37.

This is students performed








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Other schools that performed well in Nakuru is Moi High School Kabarak,  Nakuru High School and St Bhakita Bahati Girls Secondary School.
