Deodorant is common in our daily lives. Surprisingly, the use of this product is not necessary for most of you and has other potential health risks. Here are four reasons why should stop using deodorant.

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1. A potential cause of breast cancer

The preservatives in deodorants are responsible for making sure that you do not produce the bad smell. They deal with bacteria-causing odour but also can mimic estrogen. Unfortunately, an increase in estrogen in the body can lead to breast cancer.

2. May contain dangerous chemicals

There are several chemical compounds in deodorants that you keep messing your health each day you use this product. This is a serious danger than toxins swallowed orally because chemicals exposed to your skin enter the bloodstream without undergoing metabolism.

3. Misleading advertisements

Several advertisements give misleading information about their products and deodorants adverts are not an exception. They will tell you that smelly armpits are the worst turnoff. Others will make you believe that the use of a deodorant is a show of social status. This is not an absolute truth.

4. Hormonal disturbance

The deodorant has phthalates that help it stick on your skin. This sticking compound is as dangerous as aluminum and parabens. They temper with testosterone production. The changes will affect your health.