ODM leader Raila Odinga on Friday left mourners in stitches at St Francis ACK in Karen when he insisted that President Uhuru Kenyatta's father, Jomo Kenyatta was 'just a pauper' like his dad, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.

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The two leaders have lately been facing criticism from a section of Kenyans on grounds that they are beneficiaries of dynasties.

"Jomo Kenyatta was a son of a pauper. He struggled [and] was detained by the colonialists for all those years. Because of that, you cannot say Uhuru is part of a dynasty," he said amid laughter.

He added: "Odinga, father of Raila, was just a pauper. You would say he was just a hustler. You cannot, therefore, say that Raila is a product of a dynasty."

A dynasty refers to leadership that is hereditary and is passed within a family from one ruler to another.

But Raila, insisted that his success with Uhuru in Kenya's political scene, is a result of 'sheer hard work and determination', adding that their parent's name had nothing to do with it.

"Raila is just Raila just the way he is and Uhuru is Uhuru because of himself. Nobody has elected Uhuru because he is son of Kenyatta," Raila said.

Deputy President William Ruto has often used the tag husler in relation to his perceived poor background before joining politics, a narrative that is widely used by his campaigners.

There is a brewing narrative that Raila and Uhuru, in their secret MOU in March, agreed to seclude William Ruto in their 2022 plan.

Along with Ruto, the two leaders had shared podium in the requiem mass of Jane Kiano,wife to former minister and longtime physician of Jomo Kenyatta, Dr. Gikonyo Kiano.
