The County Assembly of Uasin Gishu on Thursday passed a motion reconstituting its various committees.

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MCAs adopted the motion that saw all nominated MCA’s stripped of leadership positions they were holding.

The biggest casualties in the restructured leadership of the Committee are Jenny Too who has been removed as the deputy leader of majority, Eleen Kendangor who lost her position as chairperson of Devolution and Public Administration committee, Edwin Misoi who was chairing the Sports and Youths Committee and Jeruto Barbengi who has been the ICT committee chair.

Below is the lis of all the committee chairpersons as adopted by the Assembly.

Public Accounts – Ramadhan Ali (Kiplombe)

Youth, Sports and Culture – Edward Yeyo (Segero/Barsombe)

ICT and E- Government – Peter Chomba (Huruma)

Gender, Culture, Social Services and Welfare – Francis Muya (Langas)

Devolution and Public Administration – Samuel Choge (Tapsagoi)

Water, Environment and Natural Resources – Hillary Rono (Kipkenyo)

Delegated Committee – Patrick Bundotich (Tarakwa)

Tourism and Wildlife Management – Gilbert Bett (Kuinet/Kapsuswa)

The MCAs also voted to replace nominated MCA Jenny Too as the deuty leader of majority with Megun MCA Julios Sang.
