Handling stepchildren can be one of the most daunting tasks in life. Some of these children will grumble even when you treat them right. 

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You must learn to live with them no matter what they do. There are some things that you can do to win their hearts. 

Here are ways to deal with a stepchild who hates you:

1.Think about his or her needs

There are different things that can make stepchildren hate you. If you do not address their needs, do not expect them to love you. Make sure you meet the needs of your stepchild all the time. Children feel great when you understand the way they feel. 

2. Demand respect

Sometimes it can be necessary to demand respect. Do not let the children look down upon you all the time. Remember you deserve to be respected now that you are their step parent. You can only get respect if you are going to live up to their expectations.

3. Be honest

Your level of sincerity could affect the way you relate with your stepchildren. The kids can hate simply because you are not sincere to them. Try to be truthful all the time you are dealing with them. If you make a promise, make sure you fulfil the same before the end of the day.