After a meal, there are certain things you should never do that are actually harmful to your health. It is normal to feel sleepy after a good meal, however, this not and advisable. Read on to know things to avoid after a meal.
1. Sleeping
It is recommended that you go to sleep hours after having a meal. This will reduce the risk of getting strokes or heart attacks. People who go to bed immediately after having a meal are slowing down the digestion process. This is when you notice certain discomforts like bloating and gas pains.
2. Taking a shower
When showering a lot of temperature regulation signals are sent to the brain. Instead of the brain directing blood flow to the stomach to aid the digestion process, the brain starts to regulate the temperature of the water you are using to bath; hence blood flow is directed to different parts.
3. Eating a fruit
We normally assume it is healthy to eat fruit after having a meal, this is not right. Fruits contain simple sugars that get easily digested. However, if you consume them after a meal they will just sit there with the ingested food and no nutrients will be absorbed from that. It is advised to eat fruit on an empty stomach.