Tiaty Member of Parliament William Kamket is now claiming that he has been forced to carry the government's burden with regards to the biting famine in his constituency.

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Tiaty constituency falls under Baringo county, one of the worst-hit counties, and now Kamket says that he has had to provide for his starving constituents as the hunger intensifies.

Speaking on Citizen TV on Thursday evening, he noted that some of the people have been camping at his homestead in search of handouts to sustain themselves.

He blamed the situation on the government's slow intervention into the issue, saying that the hunger has subjected area residents to extremely unbearable conditions.

"The situation is so dire that whenever I go back home I find close to 500 people at my homestead waiting for handouts. They are indeed suffering," he said.

He added that the situation has worsened despite the government's claims that it has dispatched relief food to bail the people out as it considers long term solutions.

According to the legislator, the food that has been delivered in the region by Devolution and Special Programs Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa is yet to reach the people.

"Its true that CS Wamalwa has released some food to be given to the affected people, but it's yet to be transported to the interior, with the relevant officers saying they lack finances to facilitate the movement," he said.

The government has since rubbished reports that tens of people have since succumbed to starvation, terming the reports unverified.
