The following phrases should be very familiar if you have been struggling with how to get out of the friends zone, "I like you as a companion and I don't want to risk ruining our friendship if we get involved" or "I am not really looking for a relationship right now, we should really just be friends."

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Men, most of the time hope that one day she will change her stand and fall in love with them magically, that she will be the one to make the first move thus become lovers and out of friend zone. 

Before this happens, ask yourself when did a flower move to the beehive? 

If you are in the friend zone, it automatically indicates that you failed to make a move earlier on. What if you realized that she is interested in you but the friend's impression is still intact? 

Consider the following and wait for results

3) Change the way of interaction

Minimize or stop treating or interacting with her purely as a friend. However, don't just suddenly make a move and hit on her, it will severely backfire. You can develop ambiguous glances at her and sometimes hold on her for a prolonged period when bidding her goodbye. 

2) Touch her more

The power of skin to skin contact is great in the generation of attractions. With this time to time touch, she will read your intentions and if she is into you, she will genuinely give a chance to express yourself. You can as well squeeze her a little when hugging. 

1) Make a move

When you meet her don't hold back and be packed up into the friend's zone rather make a move right away. By doing this, you will have admitted that your intentions were not starting a new friendship when you approached her in the first place.