Business is becoming a talk of the day in several parts of the world. Properly planned investment will result in good profit. Location still remains the main factor to be considered in any new business plan.

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The number of businesses is rapidly increasing in Eldoret town, Uasin Gishu's capital. This is attributed to several factors ranging from demographic, social, economic, weather among others.

Here are some factors that make Eldoret ideal for business;

Favourable weather conditions

Unlike other towns, floods are rarely heard of in Eldoret. This allows customers to easily access business premises to pick whatever they need. 

Availability of lending institutions

Eldoret town has several banks set up. When an investor is in need of a financial boost, he/she can easily get from these banks situated in Eldoret CBD.

Rare theft cases

Due to tight security, Eldoret business individuals rarely experience theft cases. Police patrol all day ensuring the prosperity of businesses. This can assure the safety of your products, machines, name them.

Business houses

There are several buildings being set up in this town. The tallest building was completed recently, Moi University Pension Scheme (MUPS) building. Many other buildings are available in the CBD and in estates for small businesses.
