Nominated Jubilee Senator Beth Mugo is among veteran politicians in Nairobi.

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Mugo served as Nairobi's Dagoretti MP from December 1997 to 2013.

She is a vocal politician who champions the interests of Nairobians especially women and youth.

But who is Beth Mugo?

1. Birth 

She was born in 1939 in Kiambu district (now Kiambu County).

2. Schooling 

Mugo trained as a teacher at Kambui Teachers Training College in Kiambu.

She also holds a Diploma in Business Management from Godley College, United States.

The former MP also holds a certificate in Mass Media from Syracuse University in the United States.

3. Work experience 

The former MP worked as a headmistress at Kiganjo Primary school.

She also worked at the Voice of Kenya Television (now Kenya Broadcasting Corporation).

The former MP also worked as Director of Kenya Women Finance Trust.

4. Beth Mugo foundation 

She is the founder and director of Beth Mugo Foundation, a non-profitable organization that empowers women.

5. Politics

 Mugo joined active politics in 1997 winning the Dagoretti Parliamentary seat on Social Development Party.

In the famous 2002 election, Mugo’s party merged with NARC   and retained the parliamentary seat.

In the 2007 general election, Mugo retained her Dagorreti parliamentary seat.

In 2013, he was nominated as a senator by TNA party under President Uhuru Kenyatta.

In the 2017 general election, Mugo was once again nominated as senator by President Kenyatta under Jubilee Party.

6. Former Minister 

Mugo served as Health Minister under retired President Mwai Kibaki regime.

7. Family 

The former MP is married and is blessed with children.

Mugo is among politicians who have come out to clearly state their health.

The MP has been undergoing cancer treatment and part of her work under the Beth Mugo foundation is to support women and people seeking cancer treatment.

8. Political ambitions 

The veteran politician who is also said to be  President Kenyatta’s cousin could be serving her last time in active politics.

She will however play a key role in the 2022 succession politics.

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