It is every woman’s dream to at some point in life meet a suitable man and get married, and thereafter start her own family in her own home.

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However, not all are usually fortunate, with others ending up spending their entire lives at their parents’ homes because of varying reasons.

And back in the historical days when it was quite compulsory for a woman to be married off when her time came in Luoland, there were still others who would remain at home. 

At times it was due to their unwillingness to leave the families of their parents. 

And when such was the case, they were considered married by their fathers, since they refused to leave and unite with their husbands, opting to remain at home where their fathers had the ultimate say.

This was a time when women were married off at a very tender age and consequently, gave birth at an equally young age.

It was also a time when divorce was not common as domestic wrangles were handled from within and any loopholes for separation sealed.

Therefore, a woman who remained at home was not there because of circumstances but purely because they decided to have it be so.


