It is normal for human beings to experience anxiety. However, as much as anxiety is a normal thing, if it goes on for too long it may bring about depression. It is, therefore, important to know how to cope with it when it arises.

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Here are tips on how to deal with anxiety.

1. Find out what triggers your anxiety

You cannot solve a problem if you don't know the root cause of the problem. The same applies to anxiety.

To be able to deal with anxiety, it is important to find out what triggers your anxiety attacks. It may be anything like meeting new people or making a public presentation.

2. Breathing exercises

Sounds cliche right? You'd be surprised at the kind of magic breathing in and out does.

Try it out during one of your anxiety attacks. It gives a huge sense of calmness.

3. Avoid pressure

A lot of people experience anxiety so frequently due to the pressure they put on themselves to succeed in life among other things.

Avoid putting pressure on yourself. Everything comes on its own appointed time. Accept where you are in life while you work towards where you want to be.

4. Positivity

Always think positive of yourself. Avoid putting yourself down no matter the situation. 

Speak positive words over your life, over yourself and even over your appearance.

5. Relaxation techniques

In this case, everyone has their own relaxation techniques. One such technique is yoga. 

Listening to music can also be helpful when it comes to dealing with anxiety. Create a playlist that soothes you then stick to that to help you calm your nerves.

If all these tips don't work, seek the help of a therapist.